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The Next “Paranormal Activity” Series




So it’s pretty easy to guess by now that everyone (fans and non fans) of the Paranormal Activity franchise have seen the final chapter of the series?

Deemed as one of the most successful horror series’ ever, and with the latest movie closing the story of Katie’s possession, the claiming of Hunter’s soul and the completion of  their great grandmothers pact with a demon, what happens now?

It seems that the paranormal activity is not over and  there is still a lot more to be done with the franchise.

Fact 1)  For those with a keen eye, you will have noticed the Spanish newspaper pages covering the window in Katie’s house during the climax of the movie.

Fact 2) The post credits scene in the botanical store in which the camera holder bumps into what appears to be one of the witches from the same cult as she utters “This is only the beginning”

Fact 3) Creator of the series Oren Peli confirmed that a latino version of the series will be produced. The next series in the franchise will focus on Catholic mythology and themes and feature a Latino cast. The title of the new series will be “The Oxnard Tapes”

Love them or hate them, there is no denying that Paranormal Activity is a strong contender in the horror market and is only going to get stronger as it branches out into more cultures and mythology.

More news as the activity occurs.

25 year old film fanatic who loves rock music, Xbox and cat videos on Youtube. I also tweet @lewisvstheworld

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