Director: Xavier Dolan Cast: Xavier Dolan, Julie LeBreton, Magalie Lépine-Blondeau, Eric Bruneau, Patrick Hivon, Julianne Côté, Anne Dorval Released: Sundance Film Festival 2023 Xavier Dolan has...
Consistently a magnetic on-screen presence in the likes of ‘It Comes At Night’ and ‘Warrior’. Yet with the unnerving thriller ‘The Gift’ starring Jason Bateman and...
Five critically acclaimed films under his belt by the age of 26, whilst helping a musical A-lister in the form of Adele reintroduce herself to the...
Released: 20th March 2015 Directed By: Xavier Dolan Starring: Anne Dorval, Antoine Oliver Certificate: 15 Xavier Dolan turned 26 recently. What makes Mommy his fifth feature film...