The Greatest Showman actress Zendaya is reportedly circling a supporting role in Legendary Pictures’ forthcoming adaptation of Frank Herbert’s sci-fi epic Dune. She’s supposedly in final...
Guardians of the Galaxy’s Dave Bautista has joined the cast of Arrival director Denis Villenueve’s forthcoming adaptation of Frank Herbert’s seminal science-fiction classic Dune. Villeneuve is...
The music of the late-great artist known as Prince is set to be adapted into a feature film musical from Universal Pictures, which will construct the...
Where do you go after you’ve helmed a sex addiction drama, a harrowing tale of slavery, and a high-octane crime thriller? If you’re 12 Years A...
With its UK release moved forward from New Year’s Day to Boxing Day. The hype seems to be steadily building for ‘The Greatest Showman’, as a...
Boasting a cast consisting of Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron and Zendaya who have sung their hearts out and strutted their stuff in the likes of Les...
‘No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else..’ With his thrilling theatrical beginnings, Hugh Jackman has never been shy about showcasing his singing...