Eli Roth’s family fantasy adaptation of classic children’s novel The House With a Clock in Its Walls, which stars Cate Blanchett and Jack Black, has debuted...
The Conjuring’s cinematic universe looks set to welcome another success story, as The Nun is currently tracking for a $36-$45 million opening weekend, with some outlets...
Warner Bros.’ might have an early Halloween treat on their hands, with their Conjuring-adjacent fright-flick The Nun on track to earn $32 million domestically in its...
The Crow director Corin Hardy has been chosen to direct the next spin-off from the Conjuring films. The Nun will tell the story of the nun...
Released: 13th June 2016 Directed By: James Wan Starring: Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga Certificate: 15 Reviewed By: Liam Hoofe Having turned down an apparent life changing...
The original instalment a major hit for director James Wan grossing $318 million worldwide, this Summer will see Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga return as Ed and...