Spider-Man: Homecoming star Tom Holland is set to re-team with Avengers: Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo for their forthcoming true-story action drama Cherry. Cherry...
The Uncharted movie is once again without a director, as Stranger Things‘ Shawn Levy has reportedly left the project. The videogame adaptation, pegged by Sony as...
The web-heads are thwip-ing to domestic box office success, as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse heads to a solid $40 million opening weekend. Studio estimations had the...
The Brand Licensing Expo is currently taking place in London, and some eagle-eyed fans have spotted a first glimpse of a poster for the upcoming sequel...
Nightcrawler actor Jake Gyllenhaal has finally, after years of rumours, joined a comic book movie. However, in a curious twist of fate, he’s not signed on...
Released: 5th July 2017 Directed By: Jon Watts Starring: Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Zendaya, Robert Downey Jr Reviewed By: Van Connor Here we are: nine years...
The senses of various fans of a certain webslinger are starting to tingle, as the release of Spider-Man Homecoming draws near. Out in the UK on...
As promised Sony dropped the new Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer online today and it is looking pretty good. The new trailer shows us more of Michael Keaton‘s...
Tomorrow the second trailer for the hotly anticipated Spider-Man: Homecoming is being released but Sony have put online today a teaser of what we can expect....
Excitement is building for Spider-Man: Homecoming and so new posters have been published teasing us for the release of the film later this year. This time...
Spider-Man: Homecoming is not even released yet but the superhero’s universe is already set to expand. In addition to the fast-tracked Venom film, another production will...