Spider-Man: Homecoming star Tom Holland is set to re-team with Avengers: Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo for their forthcoming true-story action drama Cherry. Cherry...
The Greatest Showman actress Zendaya is reportedly circling a supporting role in Legendary Pictures’ forthcoming adaptation of Frank Herbert’s sci-fi epic Dune. She’s supposedly in final...
The Uncharted movie is once again without a director, as Stranger Things‘ Shawn Levy has reportedly left the project. The videogame adaptation, pegged by Sony as...
The web-heads are thwip-ing to domestic box office success, as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse heads to a solid $40 million opening weekend. Studio estimations had the...
The Walt Disney Corporation has now passed over $7 billion at the global box office in 2018, with three weeks of the year still left to...
Christ. So, Sony have officially dated two films for 2020 which will continue their Spidey-less Spider-Man universe of comic book films and I’m just… so tired....
The Brand Licensing Expo is currently taking place in London, and some eagle-eyed fans have spotted a first glimpse of a poster for the upcoming sequel...
It’s common knowledge that Nightcrawler star Jake Gyllenhaal and Deadpool dynamo Ryan Reynolds are close personal friends, with the former even showing up hilariously in a...
Nightcrawler actor Jake Gyllenhaal has finally, after years of rumours, joined a comic book movie. However, in a curious twist of fate, he’s not signed on...