Beloved character actor Peter Mayhew, who portrayed Chewbacca in five Star Wars films, has died at the age of 74. The London-born, 7-foot-3 actor originally worked...
Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy has confirmed in an interview with MTV that the company is working on a project set during the so-called ‘Old Republic‘ era....
Fleabag and Killing Eve creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge has reportedly signed on to liven up the script for director Cary Fukunaga’s Bond 25, presently rumoured to be...
Mark Hamill has had a long, storied, and incredibly varied career as one of the finest actors of his generation; from menacing the caped crusader as...
A blurry, leaked image of character profiles from director JJ Abrams’ highly-anticipated (and presently unnamed) Star Wars: Episode IX has given us a glimpse of Billy...
Whilst we’re still roughly a month or so away from the full announcement of the final nominations for the 2019 Oscars, the Academy of Motion Picture...
John Williams, the symphonic maestro responsible for such classic Hollywood soundtracks as Superman, Jaws, Jurassic Park, ET, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, and Raiders of...
Game of Thrones and Kingsman: The Golden Circle actor Pedro Pascal has been officially named as the man under the helmet of the titular bounty hunter...
Jon Favreau’s forthcoming live-action Star Wars television show The Mandalorian, which released its first production image yesterday (above), has announced some of the high-profile names set...
With Solo: A Star Wars Story cruising towards its home release next week, Disney CEO Bob Iger has finally opened up about the film’s less-than-stellar box...
Game of Thrones’ mother of dragons herself, Emilia Clarke, has joined the cast of Bridesmaids director Paul Feig’s next comedy, Last Christmas. Clarke will star opposite...
Director: Ron Howard Stars: Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke and Donald Glover Released: 25th May 2018 – Reviewed at Cannes Film Festival 2018 Reviewer: Rehna Azim Solo is the...
‘A little rough around the edges. But good.’ The words of Emilia Clarke’s ‘Qi’Ra towards our main character and perhaps the right words to sum up...