One day before the Super Bowl the first TV spot for science-fiction thriller Life has arrived. The films follows a space crew, that includes Jake Gyllenhaal and...
Director: Gareth Edwards Stars: Felicity Jones, Riz Ahmed, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk Released: 15/12/2016 While the expectations heaped...
Movie Marker recently reviewed the independent science fiction drama Alienated. And we liked it, a lot. Now our very own Stu Greenfield interviews the writer/director Brian...
“Believing the strangest things, loving the alien” David Bowie Alien is one of the most discussed, dissected and academically analysed movies in modern cinema. Considering so...
Reviewer: William McAbee Director: Alfonso Cuarón Stars: George Clooney and Sandra Bullock Released: 8th November 2013 (UK) There are lots of reasons I fell in love...