Beloved actress and national treasure Dame Helen Mirren (Caligula), has waded into the debate between theatres and streaming services with her usual tact and decorum, on...
This is the End actor and comedian Seth Rogen was visiting the SXSW film festival in Austin, Texas this week (ostensibly promoting his forthcoming comedy Long...
The internet has been abuzz for several days now, as legendary director Steven Spielberg continues with his plan to throw his weight around in an attempt...
A multitude of prominent film industry faces have criticised Schindler’s List director Steven Spielberg for his plan to meet with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts...
Director Alfonso Cuarón is having a good year, already. Not only has he broken down barriers with his non-studio feature Roma, which also happened to open...
The BAFTA nominations were officially announced today, and Yorgos Lanthimos’ historical dramedy The Favourite is the clear winner so far, with a whopping eleven nominations; including Best...
During a Q&A following his Best Director win for Roma at the Golden Globes last night, Alfonso Cuarón got into a heated exchange with a journalist who...
Whilst we’re still roughly a month or so away from the full announcement of the final nominations for the 2019 Oscars, the Academy of Motion Picture...
Released: 2018 Directed By: Alfonso Cuaron Starring: Yalitza Aparcio, Marina De Tavira Reviewed By: Dion Wyn Most Academy Award winning directors would normally go on and...