Star Wars: The Force Awakens‘ Oscar Isaac has reportedly joined the cast of Blade Runner 2049 director Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation of Frank Herbert’s science-fiction classic, Dune. Isaac will...
The music of the late-great artist known as Prince is set to be adapted into a feature film musical from Universal Pictures, which will construct the...
Released: 20th July 2018 Directed By: Ol Parker Starring: Lily James, Meryl Streep, Cher, Christine Baranski, Amanda Seyfried, Julie Walters, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard...
The iconic Swedish four-piece recently confirming they are set to release new music for the first time in 35 years, exciting fans across the world. ABBA...
Ten years since the original made quite the song and dance at the worldwide box office. Amanda Seyfried, Julie Walters, Christine Baranski and co. will be...
The ABBA jukebox musical adored the world over, that in 2008 saw its cinematic version become one of the highest-grossing films ever at the UK box...
Armed with the treasured music of ABBA. Based on the successful Broadway and West End musical. Whether you loved or loathed it. There is simply no...