Jon Favreau’s forthcoming live-action Star Wars television show The Mandalorian, which released its first production image yesterday (above), has announced some of the high-profile names set...
Released: 6th June 2018 Directed By: J.A Bayona Starring: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jeff Goldblum, Rafe Spall Reviewed By: Van Connor Though it made huge...
In a matter of weeks, A Monster Calls director J.A Bayona will be providing us with the latest action-packed slice of dino mayhem with ‘Jurassic World:...
Building on the debut of a new poster yesterday which ominously teased ‘The Park Is Gone’. Universal Pictures have unveiled the final trailer for ‘Jurassic World:...
‘Jurassic World. The island. All of that is in the past…’ The ominous words of Rafe Spall’s suited and booted character Eli Mills, as we’re introduced...
‘These creatures were here before us. And if we’re not careful. They’re going to be here after…’ After teasing us for much of this week. Universal...
‘We’re literally blowing up the island!’ The words of leading man Chris Pratt’s Owen Grady as we’re given an action-packed behind-the-scenes look at Jurassic World: Fallen...
Today director Juan Antonio Bayona tweeted a photo that got the internet excited and it was of course the first look at the Jurassic World sequel....
Actor Ted Levine, best known as Buffalo Bill from Silence Of The Lambs, has joined the cast of the as yet untitled Jurassic World sequel. Toby...
Reviewer: Freda Cooper Director: David Ayer Stars: Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Viola Davis, Cara Delevingne, Joel Kinnaman Certificate: 15 Released: 5 August 2016 Is...
Join us as we count down our top twenty films of 2015, selected by the Movie Marker team. It’s been another blockbuster year for film, with...
2015 has been labelled as the blockbuster year, jam-packed with exhilarating franchises making a grand return (Jurassic World this Summer with Star Wars: The Force Awakens...
By anyone’s standards, Universal Studios have had a hell of a year. Fifty Shades, Fast 7, Jurassic World, Minions. Coupled with Pitch 2, Trainwreck and the steamroller N.W.A....
Released: 2015 Directed By: Colin Trevorrow Starring: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard Certificate: 12A The events of Jurassic Park were nightmarishly thrilling, and are etched into...
Director: Colin Trevorrow Stars: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins Released: 11th June 2015 (UK) What do you get when you put the actors who play...