The press for Avengers: Endgame is in full swing now, with less than three weeks until the film’s release, and the cast of the forthcoming superhero...
Via AMPAS For a second consecutive year, late-night talk show favorite Jimmy Kimmel will return to host the Oscars® telecast and Michael De Luca and Jennifer...
When this year’s show producers were announced, the signs were there that this might be a show that bucks tradition. If the opener to the telecast...
In recent years the Academy have turned towards established film and television personalities to take the reigns of the Oscar telecast, with wildly mixed reaction among...
After months of waiting, anticipation over who would host the 2017 Oscars was at fever pitch. Awards nerds around the world were waiting with bated breath...
The wait is finally over. US talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has been officially unveiled as the host of next year’s Academy Awards, to be held...