Director: James Wan Stars: Annabelle Wallis, Jake Abel, Jacqueline McKenzie, Maddie Hasson, Ingrid Bisu Released: 10th September 2021 (UK) In 2021, the horror genre seems to...
Well, let no one ever again accuse Warner Bros. of being slow on the uptake. Following a solid opening weekend, and a stellar critical reception, the...
Argo’s Ben Affleck has officially donned the cape and cowl for the last time – confirming that Justice League was his final performance in the role...
When the cast for Warner Bros.’ Aquaman movie was being announced, beyond all the other names, one in particular drew a certain amount of confusion; Academy...
Released: 12th December 2018 Directed By: James Wan Starring: Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Patrick Wilson Reviewed By: Van Connor What must working on a DCEU movie...
The first critical reactions to Warner Bros. and director James Wan’s Aquaman are in, and things are looking significantly more positive than expected. Whilst the fan...
So, Aquaman is a film that’s coming out. It feels like, as a culture, the general cinema-going public still hasn’t quite acclimated to the idea that...
Director Len Wiseman (Underworld, The Gifted) has signed on to help shepherd in the forthcoming Swamp Thing television series, based on the classic Vertigo/DC comics character...
Still reeling from the critical reception which greeted ‘Justice League’ last year. Director James Wan and leading man Jason Momoa are tasked with keeping Warner Bros’...
Released: 13th June 2016 Directed By: James Wan Starring: Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga Certificate: 15 Reviewed By: Liam Hoofe Having turned down an apparent life changing...
The original instalment a major hit for director James Wan grossing $318 million worldwide, this Summer will see Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga return as Ed and...
Released: 3rd April 2015 Directed By: James Wan Starring: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson Certificate: 12A If there is one thing that’s certain, it’s that...