The forthcoming third instalment in Warner Bros.’ Harry Potter prequel series, Fantastic Beasts, has been delayed by a year. Despite the second movie, director David Yates’...
When we initially discovered that Warner Bros and J.K Rowling were expanding the ‘Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them’ story over five films, we were...
After introducing us to the likes of Eddie Redmayne’s Newt Scamander and Dan Fogler’s Jacob Kowalski in the first Harry Potter spin-off. The latest instalment in...
COLLEEN ATWOOD: Thank you. I’m truly floored. Sting told me I was gonna win tonight, and I didn’t believe him at all. I was like, what?...
The nominees have been announced for the make-up and hair stylists guild awards, which is a great opportunity for the period and fantasy films to get...
‘Newt Scamander. A new hero for a new era of magic’.’ As we draw ever closer to the release of Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find...
Fans of such a wizarding world. Be prepared to be invited back by its creator J.K Rowling, whilst being overcome with nostalgia as the undertones of the...