Star Wars Celebration 2019, the bi-annual Lucasfilm-hosted convention focused around everything from a galaxy far, far away, kicks off this Thursday in Chicago – and with...
Spider-Man: Homecoming star Tom Holland is set to re-team with Avengers: Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo for their forthcoming true-story action drama Cherry. Cherry...
A blurry, leaked image of character profiles from director JJ Abrams’ highly-anticipated (and presently unnamed) Star Wars: Episode IX has given us a glimpse of Billy...
Released: 21st December 2018 Directed By: Travis Knight Starring: Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena, Jorge Lendeborg Jr. Reviewed By: Calvin Prickett The arrival of a new live-action Transformers...
The Doctor himself, British actor Matt Smith, has joined the cast of returning director JJ Abrams’ currently-shooting Star Wars: Episode IX. Variety is reporting that Smith...
Lord of the Ring’s beloved hobbit Merry, Dominic Monaghan, will reunite with director JJ Abrams for the forthcoming finale to the Skywalker saga, Star Wars: Episode...
Gosford Park and Game of Thrones actor Richard E. Grant recently found himself added to the cast of director JJ Abrams’ currently-filming closing chapter of Star...
Orange is the New Black actress Ruby Rose has become the latest social media casualty thanks to ‘fandom’ trolls, who descended upon her Twitter with vile...
Released: 14th December 2017 Directed By: Rian Johnson Starring: Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Laura Dern, Adam Driver, Carrie Fisher Reviewed By: Van...
Whether behind or in front of the camera, Kenneth Branagh has rarely shied away from breathing new life into a classic character or tale. Mary Shelley’s...
The Force was strong at the ExCel Exhibition Centre in London last weekend as Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016 offered three days of galactic action, epic...
Check out Chris Haydon’s video verdict on the most anticipated film of 2015 – Star Wars: The Force Awakens. THIS REVIEW IS 100% SPOILER-FREE Starring...
Released: 17th December 2015 Directed By: JJ Abrams Starring: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac Certificate:...
For many Star Wars fans, it will feel like Christmas has arrived early once The Force Awakens debuts across the UK on Thursday 17th December. If you...
We’re less than two months away. Fans have waited patiently for another look at Episode VII. At last. The stunning new trailer for ‘Star Wars: The...