Released: 12th April 2024 Director: Alex Garland Starring: Cailee Spaeny, Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons Marking the fourth directorial feature by British filmmaker Alex Garland, Civil War...
Released across the UK on April 29th 2016 and in the US on May 6th 2016. Here is Darryl Griffiths’ video review of Captain America: Civil...
By: Freda Cooper So many of the cast from Captain America: Civil War rocked up to the film’s press conference in London this week, it would...
Reviewed By: Freda Cooper Release Date: 29 April Director: Joe Russo, Anthony Russo Starring: Chris Evans, Robert Downey Junior, Scarlett Johansson Oh, per-lease! It’s only two...
Well. It didn’t take long for Tony Stark and his own comic-book ensemble to charge out of the red corner and respond to the star-studded posters...
We’ve seen them assemble. They survived the threat of the Age Of Ultron. Yet on April 29th, we finally see war rage between various Avengers, particularly...