Nineteen months on from the breakout success of his stylish action caper Baby Driver, Edgar Wright has finally announced his next project. The presently untitled flick...
Baby Driver’s Ansel Elgort is set to star in the scandalous true life tale The Great High School Imposter. The twenty-four-year-old actor has signed up to...
Disgraced actor Kevin Spacey has found himself under fire again, as a lawsuit was officially filed in LA on Thursday accusing the Baby Driver thespian of...
In a delicious case of irony, Kevin Spacey’s Billionaire Boys Club opened to a pathetic $618 when it debuted domestically over the weekend. Directed by James...
2017. Timothee Chalamet and Tiffany Haddish helped to boost the sales of peaches and grapefruits, as Barry Keoghan staked his claim to be the new face...
Released: 28th June 2017 Directed By: Edgar Wright Starring: Ansel Elgort, Kevin Spacey, Lily James, Jamie Foxx, Jon Hamm, Jon Bernthal Reviewed By: Darryl Griffiths Crafting...
Fasten up your seatbelts folks as the first trailer for Edgar Wright‘s Baby Driver has crashed onto the internet. British filmmaker Wright is best known for...