Deadpool 2 is set to become a delightful family Christmas film later this year, as it transforms into the charmingly-named Once Upon a Deadpool. Okay, that’s...
With rumours filtering through the grapevine that Henry Cavill’s time as the last son of Krypton is over, the question as to what Warner Bros. was...
Ahead of the major CW crossover of DC superhero shows later this year, an image of actress Ruby Rose donning the cape and cowl of Batwoman...
Arrow are delighted to announce the home entertainment release of EDIE, available on Digital Download from 17th September, followed by DVD and Blu-Ray from 29th October. The film received its World...
This year’s annual Arrowverse crossover has announced two super additions; the return of Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman, and the introduction of reporter extraordinaire Lois Lane. Hoechlin memorably...
Orange is the New Black actress Ruby Rose has become the latest social media casualty thanks to ‘fandom’ trolls, who descended upon her Twitter with vile...