A miniseries focused on actor Jeremy Renner’s bow-and-arrow-wielding Avenger Hawkeye is reportedly in the works, and will serve as the character’s swansong, as he passes the...
Captain America: The Winter Soldier‘s Anthony Mackie has joined the cast of 20th Century Fox’s adaptation of New York Times bestseller The Woman in the Window,...
Released across the UK on April 29th 2016 and in the US on May 6th 2016. Here is Darryl Griffiths’ video review of Captain America: Civil...
Divided we fall. Storming online this evening is the towering second trailer for Marvel’s most-anticipated showdown in MCU history – Captain America: Civil War. The Russo...
We’ve seen them assemble. They survived the threat of the Age Of Ultron. Yet on April 29th, we finally see war rage between various Avengers, particularly...
Chris Haydon gets his hands dirty as he delves into the brilliant and brutal ensemble crime drama Triple 9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiwbyTYNfIk Starring Anthony Mackie, Aaron Paul, Casey...
Initially making his name in the Australian outback with The Proposition, slowly growing in stature with his big-screen adaptation of post-apocalyptic novel The Road and period...
It may be only approaching Halloween, but that doesn’t stop the presence of a Christmas movie selling itself in the lead-up to yet another festive period....
Reviewer: Philip Price Director: Michael Bay Stars:Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie Released: 23rd August 2013 (UK) I’ve never been on the Michael Bay bashing...