Pitch an Article
At Movie Marker we are always happy to accept guest pitches. You don’t have to be a seasoned writer and this may be the first time you’ve ever pitched to an outlet. Either way we’d love to talk to you about your ideas.
All our writers are paid for their work, rates vary depending on the content and we will always disclose the rate to you ahead of you agreeing for your work to be published.
We accept pitches for movies you’ve seen and would like to review, or movies you will definitely have access to in the future. We love more in-depth features and news articles too. We do accept interviews, but you must have already secured the interview time with the subject. We aren’t able to accommodate pitches that ask to see a certain film or for access to interview actors and actresses.
To submit a pitch, please email:
Pitching Tips:
- A pitch should be short and concise! Explain your idea in a sentence or two. You don’t have to send all your ideas for an article in the pitch, if we like the sound of it, we’ll definitely get back to you.
- If your pitch is time-sensitive, make sure we know! This is especially true for news articles – but also for reviews if the film is due out shortly. It’s unlikely we’ll accept a pitch to cover a film that came out a few weeks ago.
- Check the website first! We don’t publish multiple reviews of new films so if it’s already been covered we won’t be able to accept it!
- Fact Check! Make sure you check your sources of info, we don’t publish ‘rumours’ without a credible source.
- Don’t feel you just have to pitch here! Sometimes we may take a few days to get back to you, so if you find a home for your work elsewhere in the meantime that’s absolutely great! Just let us know when we do get back to you. On that note, we won’t publish content that isn’t ‘unique’, so if it’s published elsewhere we can’t use it!
Terms and Conditions
All user-submitted posts are subject to strict plagiarism checks. If you did not originally produce the work or do not own the right to reproduce the content it will not be published.
We will endeavour to post your article as soon as possible after submitting, however if your post has not been published after 48 hours, then please get in touch to darryl@moviemarker.co.uk
We reserve the right not to publish your article. There may be a number of reasons for this – including but not limited to, unsuitable content, we may wish to wait to publish your article at a later date, spam, advertising that has not been prior agreed with an Editor. This list is not extensive. We will try to contact you to inform you if we decide not to publish an article within the time-frame.
Please note that we will credit all work to the author, please include your email address and twitter handle for us to share. We will publish articles without this information should it not be provided.
By submitting your post to Movie Marker, you agree to allow us to reproduce it and post as and when we require, though it will still be credited to you in each instance. This includes sharing via social media, using in adverts or as sponsored content.