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Marvel Provides Latest Details on Thor 2/Iron Man 3/Ant-Man!



As Marvel meticulously count the pennies gained from their crown jewel ‘Avengers Assemble’ this summer, they have stacked their deck rather heavily for the next couple of years as they attempt to continue their rich vein of form. Today, they unveiled a press release dripfeeding us a few more details on their most anticipated projects.

First up, we begin with the killer combo of Robert Downey Jr’s third outing as Iron Man and Chris Hemsworth’s return as Thor in ‘The Dark World’. It has been confirmed that both releases will be given the 3D treatment, with their releases set for May and November of next year respectively.

After whipping the San Diego Comic Con crowd into a frenzy with some exclusive footage, word on Edgar Wright’s (Scott Pilgrim Vs The World) film adaptation of ‘Ant-Man’ has been thin on the ground since. Until now.. the studio has confirmed a release date for the film pencilled in for November 2015.

With production set to begin early next year, the big question is now.. who will be given the honour of playing the character?

Let the discussion begin..



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