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Avatar 2, 3 And 4 To Be Shot Back To Back!



Yes, you read that correctly! James Cameron is set to shoot three sequels to his hugely successful 2009 blockbuster; Avatar.
Recently revealed by Alien killer herself, Sigourney Weaver, she will be starting her work on three sequels all due to be shot back to back with a release date for the first sequel in 2014.

Currently appearing in series Political Animals, Weaver will then be moving onto her next project which will be a role in a Christopher Durang play before returning to the world of Pandora alongside Sam Worthington and all of the films cast we grew to love. Weaver has stated that she has no idea how long production will take, and all she has been told is to ‘just show up’

It may seem like a big step for Cameron to expect that his audience will actually want three more installments, and all to be released so close to each other, audiences might be bored when we finally get to the fourth outing. Cameron must pull out all the stops and introduce us to much more than his previous look into the world of Pandora. Rumours circulating the net include visiting a completely different planet or moon near Pandora and introducing a whole new species as well as the familiar Navi.

One thing’s for certain,  if the outcome of these sequels are marginally as successful as Avatar, then Cameron is going to be one very rich man, well, richer!

More news as we hear it!

25 year old film fanatic who loves rock music, Xbox and cat videos on Youtube. I also tweet @lewisvstheworld

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