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Alternative Posters

Alternative Posters: – Lockout



Well, where do we start? Much like the Avengers poster backlash, this highly anticipated film ‘Lockout’ starring Guy Pearce playing as Hugh Jackman, wait my apologies; a wise-guy convict in a space prison trying to save the day, knocking out as many one-liners and hard-man jokes as he can in every situation – Has a strange ‘legit’ alternative poster. Also this is the Alpha Male guys.  Anyway, this  poster however was sent to us by once again, an anonymous source. He or she claimed that the piece of ‘fine modern art’ was the original pilot poster and surprisingly all ready set up to be “Carlton’s big come back” but due to personal reasons, he failed to show up on set. With a quick script change, Maggie Grace was introduced into the story.

The bigger question here is, what will our mysterious visitor have install for us next week? Avengers? Oh God.

The eye-candy of the site, well... the guy who tries to supply it that is.

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